美国著名牌手保罗.所罗威去世 | |
发起人:燕南路牌迷 回复数:5 浏览数:23778 最后更新:2007/11/10 19:00:11 by 黄水怒 |
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燕南路牌迷 发表于 2007/11/8 11:54:37
美国著名牌手保罗.所罗威去世 WBF Code: USAR835962 World Grand Master, MP:2295,PP:43,WBF Rank 13 辉煌战绩如下: http://www.wbfmasterpoints.com/playerdetail.asp?Code=563 当代最伟大的牌手之一,长期占据ACBL大师分积分榜首位的保罗.所罗威(Paul Soloway),由于感染及并发症于11月5日在西雅图地区的一所医院中去世,享年66岁(1941-2007)。 到他去世时为止,所罗威的的ACBL大师分总值为65511.92,超过榜上第二位的牌手6000以上。他于2001年入选ACBL的桥牌名人堂,但由于当时还未满60周岁,到2002年才正式进入名人堂。 所罗威是尼科尔队的主力队员,该队十余年来雄踞北美及世界桥坛。他曾二十多次获得北美锦标赛的冠军,并五夺百慕大杯,最后一次是2003年在蒙特卡罗登顶。2007年7月,他还参加了在纳什维尔举行的北美夏季大赛,这是他最后一次在北美赛事中露面。在这次比赛中,做为冠军队的一员,所罗威第9次赢得了斯平果尔德杯。他本已计划随同尼科尔队一起参加上海的百慕大杯比赛,但疾病使他不得不取消了行程。 (以上译自ACBL网站) 当尼科尔队在上海赛场中艰难跋涉的同时,所罗威正在病床上与病魔抗争。世锦赛的第2期公报中曾专门报道了他的病情,并为他发去祝福。然而人力终归没能挽留住这位杰出的大牌手,一段传奇匆匆画上了句号,令人唏嘘不已。 [此帖子已被 燕南路牌迷 在 2007-11-8 12:01:37 编辑过] |
燕南路牌迷 发表于 2007/11/8 11:59:56
美国著名牌手保罗.所罗威去世 Paul Soloway
1941 – 2007 Paul Soloway, the ACBL's all-time leading masterpoint holder and one of the great players of all time, died of complications from an infection on Monday at a hospital in the Seattle area. He was 66. At the time of his death, Soloway's masterpoint holding was at 65,511.92, more than 6000 ahead of second on the list. Soloway was elected to the ACBL Bridge Hall of Fame in 2001, the first year he was eligible (minimum age of 60) and was inducted in 2002. He was a key member of the Nick Nickell team that has dominated North American and world bridge for more than a decade. He was a member of the winning Bermuda Bowl team five times, the latest in Monte Carlo in 2003. He also won more than two dozen North American championships. At his last NABC this summer in Nashville, Soloway was part of the winning squad in the Spingold Knockout Teams, his ninth win in that event. He was scheduled to play with the Nickell team in the Bermuda Bowl in Shanghai, China, this fall but his illness kept him from making the trip. Soloway lived in Mill Creek WA, a suburb of Seattle with his wife, Pam. |
老谋深算 发表于 2007/11/9 10:43:32
美国著名牌手保罗.所罗威去世 向保罗致敬!!!
老爷子 发表于 2007/11/9 18:31:22
美国著名牌手保罗.所罗威去世 前几天,刚看完哈曼的《在桌上》,书中多次提到索罗威,没想到......
卡萨布兰卡 发表于 2007/11/9 18:39:10
美国著名牌手保罗.所罗威去世 去年夏天在意大利维罗纳举行的罗森布鲁姆杯世锦赛上,我还伫立在索罗威后面看牌的一幕记忆犹新,谁知仅过一年,大师就乘鹤西去,怎不令人扼腕叹息? 呜呼!保罗! 痛哉!索罗威! |
黄水怒 发表于 2007/11/10 19:00:11
美国著名牌手保罗.所罗威去世 “不败保罗”终于败给了死神。
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