桥友们,请自重! | |
发起人:移花接木 回复数:7 浏览数:14974 最后更新:2010/8/2 15:38:00 by sunny123 |
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移花接木 发表于 2010/6/22 11:55:07
桥友们,请自重! 深圳桥牌协会: 打桥牌我只是爱好,不是专业。刚来深圳想参加桥牌活动就遇见这样的桥友,觉得甚是寒心。什么扯蛋,这种谈吐与文明的桥牌活动不相匹配。三十几年的桥牌参与觉得这种谈吐的同志可以告别桥牌了…… |
zhoufly 发表于 2010/6/22 17:04:27
打桥牌的人牌品、人品都参差不齐,不用太介意,大部分的桥友还是很不错的 |
移花接木 发表于 2010/6/23 1:50:53
风之枫 发表于 2010/6/23 8:55:23
有容乃大。 |
hxb101 发表于 2010/6/23 9:52:17
应该是一个玩笑之类。 常去16楼打牌的大都很熟,说话可能比较随便。 不必计较,呵呵。 |
jan1213 发表于 2010/6/23 10:38:19
The Battered-Body Trick
This is a story from Three Kingdoms that happened before the Battle of Chibi. One night, Zhou Yu was thinking hard in his tent about how to defeat Cao Cao's army, when Huang Gai came in . He suggested attacking with fire. “Well, it's exactly what I mean to do.” Said Zhou Yu. “That's why I'm keeping those two spies: to convey false information to Cao's camp. But I need a man to play the same game for us.” Huang Gai said he was willing to do it. They decided to carry out the trick of being flogged to win the enemy's confidence. replica sunglasses, the next day Zhou Yu convened a general assembly of his commanders outside his tent.replica sunglasses He ordered the commanders to take three months's rations and prepare to defend their line. Huang Gai came forward and said: “We don't need three months. If not, we'd better throw down our weapons and sue for peace.” aoc gold, Zhou Yu exploded in fury.aoc gold “Ibear our lord's mandate,” he cried, “to lead our troops to destroy Cao Cao. How dare you weaken our morale? Remove him and execute him!” Huang Gai proudly, “I have served the Southland through three successive reigns. Where do the likes of you come from?” age of conan power leveling, the entire assembly got on their knees to intercede for Huang Gai.age of conan power leveling Zhou Yu said at last: “In consideration for the commanders' views, I shall not kill you. Give him one hundred strokes across the back!” aion gold, Huang Gai was forced facedown to the ground. Not yet at fifty blows of the rod,aion gold his skin was broken and his oozing flesh was crossed with welts. He fainted several times. maple story mesos, Zhou Yu let Kan Ze,maple story mesos Huang Gai's friend, to deliver the letter of surrender to Cao Cao, which Huang Gai had prepared. Before long, Cao Cao received a letter from the two spies, saying “Look for a boat with a blue-GREen flag at the bow. That will be Huang Gai.” In Huang Gai's boat there were combustibles. In this way, Huang Gai was able to set fire to Cao Cao's camp. When the red current of fire passed through the surface of the river, Cao Cao's ships, linked with chains,dog clothes turned into ashes. dog clothes, |
DragonLuo 发表于 2010/6/23 13:01:48
现在流行,无伤大雅 人家的朋友都不在乎,你太在意了只会伤自己 |
sunny123 发表于 2010/8/2 15:38:00
Keep an email wow power leveling trail: Make wow power leveling sure you wow power leveling let the vampire know you are not willing to play; use short, simple polite comments world of warcraft power leveling that you appreciate their consideration yet you do not need their extra help. Don’t slack; this wow cheap gold is protection, like wearing a garlic necklace. You want to make sure you have gold for wow documentation that you have not succumbed to their ploys so that if and when they seek revenge you have your world of warcraft power leveling ammunition ready for the battle.When enough colleagues feel the energy drain and 淘宝网 begin to follow the five guidelines above the vampire can be seen in the daylight. They cannot survive in a healthy setting and 淘宝网网上购物 when the jig is finally up they will hopefully get professional help. So, pass these tips to your co-workers and you can minimize workplace conflict.
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