有谁需要ubid软件(安卓)的,找我 | |
发起人:fwxc 回复数:0 浏览数:6219 最后更新:2015/3/31 14:11:01 by fwxc |
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fwxc 发表于 2015/3/31 14:11:01
有谁需要ubid软件(安卓)的,找我 能上google play 的直接搜“u bid"就能搜到和下载。 软件主要是用来和PD之间,牌友之间练习和讨论叫牌的,这里有界面http://www.dgbrg.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=14353 After extensive testing in the summer of 2014 uBid version 1.0 is launched. uBid is an app on bidding developed by NewInBridge for smartphones and tablets. With uBid you practice and improve your bidding skills. You may bid 24/7 as many hands as you like with multiple partners at the same time. 不知道如何上传,有需要的加我QQ:30902831,提供安卓最新版。 我的ID:fwxc@qq.com,欢迎添加好友
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